Home Home appliances How To Wash The Curtains? Some Maintenance Tips

How To Wash The Curtains? Some Maintenance Tips


Visible from both inside and outside of your home, curtains are decorative elements but are prone to dust and bacteria. Taking them to the dry cleaners is a certainly effective method to restore them, but it can be expensive in the long run and requires time to be devoted to this task.

Fortunately, there are several solutions available to you to clean your curtains at home with perfection and without damaging them!

Preparation before washing

After unhooking your curtains, remember to remove the hooks and pins, if any. If you have models with eyelets, you can run a string all the way to secure them together, so as to reduce the number of shocks in the drum during their wash.

If there are stains, take the time to rub them before washing, with Marseille soap.

The daily maintenance of long curtains

Whatever material your curtains are made of, they will always tend to collect dust, even if it won’t look like they are really dirty, to speak of. This all is more true for long curtains, closer to the floor.

To prevent curtains from becoming embedded with dirt and dust flying throughout the house, which can cause allergies to your family members, vacuum your curtains regularly.

For this, you can use a classic canister vacuum cleaner, a stick vacuum cleaner, or a small handheld vacuum cleaner. For the most powerful models, consider adjusting the suction force to the lowest position so as not to damage your curtains if they are fragile.

If you have the time and the inclination, you can also unhook your curtains and shake them out the window if you are afraid of damaging them by using a vacuum cleaner.

Hand wash the curtains

Cleaning the curtains by hand is not necessarily very pleasant. This can even be tedious, but it is nevertheless sometimes the only solution to restore the brilliance of the colors and clean them up. If your curtains or net curtains are fragile and cannot withstand washing in the washing machine, unhook them, then soak them in hot water with lemon added.

This miracle ingredient widely used by people for natural cleaning purifies the textile and restores all its shine. If your curtains are light, this method will also help whiten them. You can also soak your curtains in a sanitizing and whitening mixture of water and baking soda.

If your curtains have only a few stains, you can just rub them with a little Marseille soap, then rinse them before leaving them to dry in the open air. Be careful, however, if your curtains have not been cleaned in their entirety for some time, you risk creating “clean rings” where you have used this technique.

Wash the curtains in your washing machine

To avoid taking your curtains to the dry cleaners and paying the costs that it would entail, the most effective way is to use your washing machine. However, check that the textile that composes them is compatible with machine washing before committing the irreparable.

Most of the curtains that decorate your windows are made of cotton or synthetic material (polyamide, polyester, organza, etc.). This type of textile is generally suitable for washing in the washing machine. However, some precautions must be taken to avoid damaging them and to simplify their reinstallation after washing.

Be sure to remove the hooks that allow you to hang your curtains on a rod. They could tear the fabric during the wash cycle. If your curtains are fitted with metal rings, this is not a problem, there is no risk of them getting caught in the drum of the machine.

Place your curtains in the washing machine, preferably alone, so as not to risk a discoloration accident. Use your usual detergent or a detergent intended for cleaning delicate textiles. For white curtains, you can also add lemon or baking soda. However, check the label of your curtains before using fabric softener, as some treatments are not compatible with this type of product.

Before starting your wash cycle, set the spin speed to a relatively low number so that the fabric does not crease horribly at the end of the cycle. A speed of 600 to 800 rpm is ideal. Select a 30° or 40° cycle. Some washing machines offer a specific program for curtains.

Extend your curtains(to avoid wrinkles) as soon as the wash is finished to be able to skip the ironing step. If you have to leave them in the drum because of lack of time, you can iron them at a low temperature afterward. It is advisable to dry the curtains in the open air and not to put them in the dryer which not only creases them but risks deforming them if it is too hot.

Care of linen, wool, or silk curtains

Linen and wool are natural materials that wrinkle a lot and are quite sensitive to deformation. Follow the washing protocol previously described, making sure to set the spin speed as low as possible, at 400 rpm, for example. You can also skip this step entirely. Both linen and wool are textiles that retain little water and can be hung out to dry without “dripping” everywhere.

Silk, on the other hand, is extremely fragile. It is rather advisable to dry and clean it. Some high-performance washing machines nevertheless have a program dedicated to the maintenance of the silk. If this is the case with yours, you can turn your curtains there, taking care to avoid any wrinkling.

The steam cleaner to clean your curtains

The steam cleaner is a practical method for washing the curtains without unhooking them and makes it possible to sanitize them by eliminating a maximum of bacteria, parasites, and mites.

This type of cleaning is to be reserved exclusively for the most resistant textiles. Check that your curtains can withstand high temperatures and for that, carry out a preliminary test on a hidden area. It is obviously totally inadvisable to clean linen or silk in this way.You can either buy a steam cleaner to clean your curtains or call  professional curtain cleaners .

Be sure to pass the head of the steam cleaner over the curtain from the bottom to the top, without lingering, so as not to saturate the textile and spill water everywhere. If your floor is parquet, it is advisable to protect it with a dry cloth so as not to risk the formation of damp stains that cannot be easily removed later.

—————————————————————————————————————————————-                                                             Author Bio

Name – Noman Areeb

Bio – Mr. Noman, a highly influential businessman is the co-owner of an upholstery cleaning company Dar Al Mumtaz Carpets Cleaning. Being swayed by business tactics and propaganda, he graduated in business. Leading the company from the front, Noman has achieved great recognition in the society.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Satisfactory Silk Curtains then visit our DECORATION category