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Do Brisbane Architects Hold the Solution to the Housing Crises?

Housing Crises

Property shortages are impacting much of the country. There is currently a Brisbane housing crises, hitting renters and would be homeowners alike. But could it be that Brisbane architects hold the key to solving the property shortage problem?

The challenge confronting the Brisbane property market is, in part, due to the state being such a desirable location for people from interstate. During the height of the pandemic, Queensland saw a large influx of people from the southern states, particularly Victorians struggling under their ongoing lockdowns. This coincided with supply chain issues and building material shortages, which added to the cost of building, which in turn reduced the number of homes being constructed. Throw in rising interest rates and you have the perfect storm that has created a housing shortage along with an affordability crisis.

But could Brisbane architects hold the key to solving this issue?

Brisbane architects can design homes for multiple families

A lack of new home constructions has resulted in the current housing crisis. But what if more people lived in the houses we already have?

Dual living arrangements have been around for a while, but in the coming years an extension of this concept could prove one of the solutions to the current Brisbane housing crises. It works by taking an existing house and renovating it to create two separate dwellings under the one roof line.

There are a handful of Brisbane architects that are skilled in this type of design.  And it’s a solution that has proven popular with extended families. Couples in their later years often find their large family home takes up too much time in terms of upkeep and maintenance. In the past the solution was to downsize, but by turning their family home into a dual living home, they can stay where they are, with the added advantage of having their children and potentially grandchildren right next door.

The design is crucial, so is choosing the right Brisbane architects

Now, you might cringe at the thought of living so close to your extended family. Many people have privacy and independence concerns when they first consider this option. But the right renovation design maintains high levels of privacy, allowing both parties to live independently.

The renovation needs to consider noise suppression between the two dwellings, particularly as they share the same roofline. Entrances, vehicle access and outdoor privacy is also important. With the right design you won’t even notice that your extended family are right next door. But only if you choose the right Brisbane architects to create that renovation design for you.

Think of the benefits of dual living home designs

There are many benefits to this type of arrangement.

For the owners of the home who are entering their later years, they have the added security of having family close at hand in the event of a break-in or some other form of emergency. They get to see their children more often along with any grandchildren.

For those children living beside their parents, they now have a roof over their heads, but potentially paying less rent. If they do have children, then having the grandparents right next door can come in handy on those times where they might need a babysitter.

But dual living renovations offer benefits beyond family members. It’s a great way to pay down mortgages faster for those who are still paying off their home. If your home has the potential for a dual living renovation, you can live in one side and rent the other side out, helping you pay down your mortgage faster. Once paid off, you can then undertake another renovation to turn it back into one bigger home, or even keep it as dual living and leverage that property to buy another one, with the benefits now of being able to rent out both sides of the home.

This concept isn’t limited to renovating the house either. Depending on local planning laws, if your block is big enough you may be able to add a granny flat to your backyard which can then be rented out creating a passive income stream.


In any of these scenarios, it’s important to check local rules and regulations before proceeding, but if you’ve engaged the right Brisbane architects, they will be able to help you with this process, along with creating the very best renovation designs for your needs.