Home Gardening Clear Signs It’s Time To Remove That Tree Safely

Clear Signs It’s Time To Remove That Tree Safely

Tree Safely

Planting trees on your property makes it more desirable as they help enhance appearance and other values. However, in some cases, property owners need a professional tree service to cut down trees for their landscape and safety. It can be challenging to decide when to remove that faithful oak tree. To help, here is a list of signs to look out for.

Too Close for Comfort

Serious issues may arise when trees get close to your house or other structures around your property. The roots can uplift the foundation, so it needs to be addressed immediately. Branches touching the siding can also cause mold growth, even if the tree isn’t beside your house. Maintain your tree care routine and trim regularly to avoid any risk.

Weak or Dead Tree Leaves and Bark

An unhealthy tree is vulnerable to pests and infection, diminishes curb appeal, and negatively impacts landscaping. Diseased trees can cause property damage as they are weak, making them more prone to falling or losing limbs. Occasionally, the disease can be managed through trimming. However, you should consider cutting down the tree if the disease is severe.

Storm Damage

High winds can cause substantial damage to trees that may or may not be fixable. Sometimes, storm damage can result in a crown twist, complete blow-over, or root or stem failure. Trees that have suffered these damages will die eventually and pose risks to your property.

Dead Tree

Even if it appears structurally sound, a dead tree should be removed from your property. It no longer provides advantages such as shade, water retention, and aesthetic appeal. A dead tree can become a breeding ground for various pests, compromising its structural integrity. Cutting down a dead tree can eliminate the risk of falling branches and prevent the spread of diseases to other plants on your property.

Severe Insect Damage

Many kinds of insects can harm trees. However, wood-burrowing bugs like bark beetles, emerald ash borers, and locust borers cause detrimental damage to trees. Signs of insect infestation include discolored leaves, holes in the bark, and sawdust.

Large Limbs May Fall

Overgrown branches or leaning trees can do considerable property damage or personal injury if they fall. Consider removing the tree altogether if pruning it will no longer eliminate the chance of falling limbs.

Hollow Trunk

Cavities or hollowness in a tree trunk means it is declining. A weak trunk cannot support all its limbs properly, even with the best care routine. Internal decay can lead to many problems, including spreading infection or disease and falling branches.

Lightning Risk

Upon striking a tree, lightning heats the sap in its bark to extremely high temperatures, turning it into steam. Lightning can even run along the tree’s inner bark towards the ground, blowing away the outer bark. This scenario is dangerous, especially when the tree is close to your home.


Trees will begin competing for nutrients in the soil when they are overcrowded. You can see the effect in smaller trees, which will start to show signs of nutrient deficiencies. Overcrowding can also result in weak flowering and fungal diseases as it limits air circulation. Remove some of the trees to help the others to grow fully.

Shaded or Blocked View

Cutting down a tree may be a significant improvement if they are blocking a stunning view. Shade can also prevent your lawn from growing in the summer and create a cold and dark home during winter.

New Development or Landscaping Project

Sometimes, it is impossible to accommodate existing trees when planning a new project on your property. It may not be standing where you intend to build a new structure, but the tree may still be in the way of heavy equipment.

Get in Touch With Experienced Arborists

The best way to cut a tree down safely is to hire an expert to do the job. Whether you need an evaluation, emergency tree removal, or maintenance services, seeking a certified arborist is essential. They have the necessary knowledge and equipment to prevent personal injury and damage to your property. Reach out to a professional tree service company to learn more about your options.