Home Pest Control Where Do Centipedes Come From? Facts You Need To Know About Centipedes

Where Do Centipedes Come From? Facts You Need To Know About Centipedes

Where do centipedes come from? Why centipedes came in to house?

Where do centipedes come from?

They come from a place where moisture is high, such as areas with a lot of rotting wood or plants. They also tend to invade homes by potted plants or in damp spaces, such as the basement or crawlspace. You may have found centipedes in your bathroom because it’s an area that stays damp for long periods of time. Another common culprit is the garden centipedes thrive on moist soil and grassy vegetation.

The home itself can be another factor that contributes to centipede infestations; they are often transported into homes via firewood, so you should never transport firewood without bringing an inspection along. Centipedes are nocturnal creatures who love dark corners, so check behind furniture or under heavy appliances that aren’t moved much. They’re found all over the U.S. but most often in damp, dark places such as basements, crawl spaces and closets. They may also be found around windows or doors that don’t quite fit tight to the frame or poorly lit areas such as garages.

What is the diet of centipedes?

Centipedes are mostly nocturnal and feed on mites, insects, spiders and worms. Some species of centipede do bite humans if provoked, so it’s best not to go picking them up or trying to kill them with your hands or feet. If you want to get rid of these pests without harming yourself then follow this guide.

How centipedes look like?

Centipedes have flattened bodies, long antennae and many legs. A few species are wingless but most of them have one pair of long hind legs that extend out of their bodies to help them move faster. They use these legs to grab and paralyze their prey. Centipede’s mouths end in a pair of claws (called forcipules) that inject venom into the bugs’ victims when they’re captured and held by the bug. The heart-shaped head ends in two antennae that sense vibrations in the environment when it searches for food at night.

Centipede’s eyes, like those of almost all insects, are compound with several hundred lenses working together called ommatidia. They have an additional, single eye on the top of their head between the antennae that they use to detect light and dark. Centipedes are not able to see very well, but they can tell if something is moving nearby by how it reflects light.

Centipede’s bodies are covered with hard segments called sclerites. Each segment contains a pair of legs except for the first several segments at the front end which do not have legs. The final few segments closest to its tail end also do not have appendages but help protect centipede’s delicate back end.

Why people scare from centipedes?

When it comes to centipedes, people are most commonly terrified by them. Despite their scary appearance, they don’t pose any real threat to humans. The largest centipede species found in North America is the giant desert centipede which is called “great desert centipede”, the giant redheaded centipede or simply the 100-legged worm.

It can grow up to 20 cm (8 inches) long and features a large red head with curved jaws containing venomous fangs that inject paralyzing venom. This insect lives in abandoned rodent burrows on sandy hillsides below 1,830 m (6000 feet).

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Which thing attracts centipedes?

Centipedes are not attracted to food or water in our homes; but they do need shelter so that they can live and reproduce. Water is vital for many arthropods because it’s needed for breathing through thin membranes (called book lungs) – while some centipedes breathe with book lungs, others have tracheae which do not require water. They don’t drink water either, instead they obtain moisture through the foods they eat.

There is less oxygen indoors than outdoors, so centipedes may be searching for higher concentrations of oxygen when they come into your house. Also, centipedes will often only wander indoors when they are in their last stage of life – so they don’t need shelter for survival.

Getting rid of house centipedes

Reduce the amount of moisture in and around your home to prevent centipede infestations.  You should remove piles of leaves, grass clippings, logs, stones, and rocks from your property.  Firewood should be stored off the ground.  The basement, attic, and crawl space should have adequate ventilation.  A home should be sealed to prevent centipedes from getting inside through cracks, holes, or gaps.

You can remove centipedes with a vacuum if they’re found indoors.  A licensed pest professional should be contacted if you suspect an infestation. 

Take Action

Treating an infestation requires identifying where the centipedes are living and what they’re eating. Visit our website for more information on how to get rid of centipedes. Professional pest control services are expensive, to say the least. However, you can choose from a great variety of DIY methods for centipede control which can help you not only save money but also achieve good results.

DIY centipedes extermination

DIY centipede extermination is one of the most effective ways to get rid of them altogether. But before we start discussing how to do it you have to know why they come into your bedroom in the first place.

Centipedes are typically nocturnal predators that enjoy human homes due to their warmth and luxury furnishings providing shelter from elements, prey on cockroaches, silverfish, ants etc., have an increased population due to the fact that you provide food (and feed upon) form of crickets or other insects that they like, and last but not least they become an active part of your home’s ecosystem.


  • Making sure there are no cracks in the walls or other places where insects could creep inside with the help of self-made DIY traps for centipedes is a fairly simple task which you can accomplish on your own. Make them out of tightly rolled up newspaper (so as to trap centipede) and secure it with tape.
  • The second thing you can do is cover all potentially dangerous objects such as mattresses, bed lifts, etc with double-sided tape or nail caps which will keep predators away from your house.
  • Another great way to keep centipedes away is to diatomaceous earth, you can sprinkle it around the house or put some in insecticide spray.

Professional pest control services

However, if you want to keep centipedes out of your whole house for good, DIY pest control is just not enough to do that. In fact, professional extermination services are an incredibly effective method of getting rid of them once and for all.

Professional pest control services will provide you with a detailed report on possible causes and most common problems that lead to such an infestation as well as methods of solving this problem – both short-term and long-term ones along with instructions on how to properly maintain the cleanliness level in your house so as to prevent further infestations.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Get Rid Of Mushrooms In Lawn then visit our GARDENING category

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