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Making the Move: What To Consider When Moving Into a New Home

New Home

Moving into a new home is both exciting and overwhelming. Whether you’re moving out of your parent’s house for the first time, relocating to a new city, or upgrading to a bigger house, there are a lot of things to consider. From hiring movers to organizing your new space, making the move can be a daunting task. To help make the transition smoother, here are 8 essential things to consider when moving into a new home. Consider these tips to ensure your move goes as smoothly as possible and you hit the ground running in your new home.

Create a moving checklist

If you’re an organized person, you know that keeping a checklist can help minimize stress and ensure everything gets done. If you’re not an organized person, creating a checklist can help you become one! Moving into a new home has a lot of moving parts, and keeping track of them can help make your move go more smoothly. We recommend creating a checklist and assigning a person to each item so that you don’t miss anything when moving. 

Schedule the utilities

Before you move into a new home, you need to make sure you have the utilities you need to run your appliances and stay safe in your new space. This includes electricity, natural gas, water, and the internet. To determine which utilities you need and how much they’ll cost, reach out to your utility providers. Let them know you’re moving and provide them with your new address so they can schedule a service visit. When you schedule the utilities, let them know if you’re moving during the week so that they can schedule the visit to coincide with when you’re moving in. When you schedule the utilities, be sure to schedule them in your name. In some cases, you may need to provide a deposit or proof of insurance to get the utilities turned on.

Familiarize yourself with the area

Moving into a new home in a new area can be a challenge. You don’t know the best places to get groceries, the best places to get gas or the closest hospital in the event of an emergency. To avoid feeling completely overwhelmed, try to familiarize yourself with the area before you move in. Here are some ways to familiarize yourself with the area: As you’re getting to know your new neighborhood, keep your eyes peeled for local coupons, deals, and specials. Knowing where everything is can help make your new neighborhood feel more like “home” sooner.

Make your new house a home

When you move into a new house, it may not feel like home for a couple of weeks. This is normal, but there are things you can do to help “try-out” the house and make it feel more like yours. When you’re moving into a new home, it’s a good idea to establish a “base.” Pick one room in the house and use that room as the place where everyone comes together to unpack and organize. Here are some ways to make your new house a home: As you’re getting settled in your new home, it’s a good idea to start adding your personal touch to the house. Decorating your space with a new cuddle sofa or wall art helps make it feel like home and can be a fun bonding experience with friends and family.


Moving into a new home is an exciting time, but it can also be stressful. To help make the transition smoother, it’s important to prepare and organize. Create a moving checklist, schedule the utilities, familiarize yourself with the area, make your new house a home, and schedule the utility visits. When you’re prepared, it’s easier to navigate the transition into a new home.

Infographic Provided By Moving Leads Company, USA Home Listings